
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini (Pro) – Ponsel Android Mini

Sony Ericsson issued 2 variants berbodi tiny cell phone, the Sony EricssonMini X10 and Sony Ericsson X10 Mini ProBoth have the same features, the difference is only seen in the design, where Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Pro also features a sliding qwerty keypad (side),

Sony Ericsson's unique design called the Human curvature is also inherent in the X10 Mini. That's why part of this phone penggung slightly bent. Body behind and beside the usual X10 Mini plastic wrapped. While the front and top-down plastic glosy. Compared to Samsung Champ, a little more dimension X10 mini-mini, but more severe (diff 8 grams), but still feels light and comfortable. At the bottom of the screen placed 3 buttons (Options, Menu and Back). The sales package included two rear casing. Color blend options are provided: Black / Red, Black / Lime, White / Silver, White / Pink
The touch screen is a standard-sized, injectable user interface (UI) draws made by Sony Ericsson. First called the UX, the form of four menu icons (can digonta change) attached at each corner of the front display. The second UI is Timescape, which display status as well as up and Twiter Miscall and Messages from friends. Looks a box of photos and text message status or attractive-looking animation. X10 Mini also features five homescreen that can be rubbed to the right and left. Note: Update Facebook and Twitter in Timescape can be set manually or automatically (every 15, 30 minutes or 1, 3 hours)

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